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Under the revised Swiss Medical Professions Act, as of 1 January 2018 anyone exercising a medical profession requiring a university qualification and working in Switzerland must be recorded in the register of medical professions. Medical professionals who start to work before 1 January 2018 but who have not yet registered, have a two-year grace period in which to do so.
All medical professionals who completed their federal examination in Switzerland or who had their foreign diploma approved by the BAG are automatically registered.
A successful registration is not equivalent to an official recognition and approval of a foreign diploma by the BAG!
By default, only diplomas from EU/EFTA states can be approved.
All medical professionals are required to register, regardless of:
The registration in the MedReg is subject to a charge and will take several weeks. The registration must be completed before the initiation of work.
Access to the register MedReg
Professionals who were already exercising their profession before 1 January 2018 and have not yet registered must have their registration completed by the end of 2019 at the latest.
Non-registered professionals who will terminate their work before the end of 2019 and will not work in a Swiss medical profession thereafter, therefore don’t necessarily need to register.
Already registered medical professionals are requested to check for any missing entries, especially regarding language skills. These must also be updated by way of an application for registration.