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Vetsuisse Faculty

Master's Thesis Topic Exchange

At the beginning of the Spring Semester (1 March), students in their first year of their Master's degree receive a list of topics instructors are offering for Master's theses. Students do the main work on their Master's thesis during the semesters 9 to 11.

Access for Teaching Staff Only:
The Master's Thesis Topic Exchange contains the following:

  1. A list of topics offered at the Bern and Zurich sites
  2. Important documents for teaching staff and students, including:
    • Master's thesis fact sheet
    • Learning agreement
    • Template for writing a master's thesis
    • Evaluation matrix
    • Plagiarism statement

You'll find these documents once you've logged in under the Important Documents menu.

Weiterführende Informationen

Topic Exchange

Supervisors can enter new topics anytime.
Please use Mozilla Firefox to enter your topics for Master's theses.